eCommerce &
Digital Marketing
Devoted For Growing Your Business
PrestaShop, WordPress, Hosting and Mobile Apps

What is Doc Retail Pro ?
Doc Retail Pro is a digital ordering and marketing solution for professionals
Targeted for retails, sales representatives, distributors and end consumers. Provides a marketing support and a brand awareness. Contains a public and a private professional section. Unique by its simplicity and its strategy for sales conversion. Multi-user, Multi-Market & Multi-Currency (Multi-Territory) oriented solution covering all needs worldwide. Thanks to its modular implementation Doc Retail Pro is a gateway architecture for legacy ERP Integration.
Digital ordering made easy
- Fast and easy native ordering solution
- E-commerce ordering made easily
- Multi-presentation views to display details as you want
- Fast search and filter features to find quickly your products
- Multi-brand support
- 2D barcode for fast ordering, best user’s experience possible and high sales conversion rate
Brand Awarness
- A section for storytelling
- A section to present your brand
- An integrated way to present and distribute by, email, your valuable marketing assets like brochures, videos and images
- A powerful way to emphase your brand, your company, values, missions and products
- Shine with your Unique Selling Proposal and get ahead of your competitors
Public & Private sections
- The public version can be used to promote your brand, company and products
- On request this section could be distributed as a standalone app on the Apple App Store and used by end-consumers
- The professional section is only accessed by a login ID, an account that will allow you take orders, this is the private professional section
High Sales Conversion
- Doc Retail Pro’s architecture enables a high sales conversion rate due to its simplicity, its efficiency and its user experience
- Users will go through a focused order process, step by step, until the final closing. No back return is necessary to add variants or remove products from anywhere in the app
- Details and variants could also be reviewed directly from the shopping bag
Targeting Territories
- Multi-User. Any user has his own profile and setup. Devices can be share between users with high level of privacy
- Multi-business target mode. Any user can use either a distributor or ambassador mode or booth of them
- Multi-Territory. Any user can have its own markets and currencies (Called Territories) within each mode and switch between them quickly and easily
Doc Retail Pro for your company
Our retail app, running on Apple iPad exclusively, is always developed keeping in mind “critical sales missions” in the field. Easy to use and easy to setup, our retail solution allows your enterprise to expand its business quickly with a maximum of adoption from its users. Versatile, it supports any type of products.
Orders are made at light speed with the greatest simplicity. Doc Retail Pro‘s architecture and best of class user’s experience enable a high sales conversion rate process.
Multi-operating mode; integrated support for distributors, sales representatives and physical retails. Advanced filter and search features allow you to find your products quickly.
Doc Retail Pro has mainly been engineered with a strong marketing focus.
It provides to the user unlimited possibilities to transmit the corporate values of your company and your products to empower you brand.
it offers extended sections to support tailor made digitals assets such as brochures, videos, images and specific pages; imagination is the only limit.
Doc Retail Pro supports multi-markets, multi-currencies and multi-users operations, Including features to manage your customers.
You can define as many territories (Market & Currency) as needed. You can assign only one, or several territories to your users, segment efficiently your business to optimise as much as possible your orders.
A territory is not only a geographical concept but a whole abstract level where you can make advanced marketing segmentations (Luxury, socio-cultural etc.).
Devoted to growing your business
Retail application for distributors, sales representatives and physical retail owners, engineered for critical missions, light speed ordering, simplicity, offline, multi-market and multi-currency support.
Discover now the added value of the professional section.
Professional Section
Professional features for fast sales conversion and ordering
Digital ordering Retail application for distributors, sales representatives and retail owners. Made for critical missions, very fast manual or light speed 2D/1D barcodes ordering. Simple to use, offline mode, multi-market and multi-currency support. One or many territories assignable to users with their own currencies. Could be Interfaced with major ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems. Covers worldwide activities; devoted to growing your business. Appropriate also for stock inventory.

AdvAnced coNFIGURATIONS to full fil world wide needs
Doc Retail Pro allows you to create as much as territories you need to segment your Business. A territory is composed by a Market and a Currency. Territories can be associated to geographical areas or to any other abstract notion; for example, all customers active in luxury business with their corresponding specific set of products. You can affect any territories to your users in any mode distributors or ambassador (Agents, sales representatives or retails) and lock the user to one mode if necessary. You have also the possibility to assign or remove products to/from a specific Territory too. All those features provides you an amazing flexibility to setup your business at an international level.
Advanced filters
Focus directly on products you want to promote
Build for critical sales missions, Doc Retail Pro provides advanced dynamic filtering tools to focus on the products your customers expects or that you want to promote more specifically. Filtering can be configured on any attributes you want. Filtering applies also on multi-brand criteria, if, as a distributor, your sales representatives have to deal with several products from different brands. You can also focus on specific marketing targets to cover some important targeted promotions.

quick search
Quick Searches made easy
You can either search to a group of product or type in free text to find any product very quickly such as SKUs, EANs codes, colours etc.
Presentation Modes
For more data or Faster inputs
Doc Retail Pro provides also a set of presentation modes to show products in different ways to better fit user’s and customer’s needs and preferences. Each view could represent a different level of detail and data regarding your products. Products can be ordered, filtered and searched regardless the presentation modes you have selected and view are synchronised.

Light Speed Ordering
Thanks to our advanced Bluetooth module, Doc Retail Pro allows you to to get light speed orders using 1D or 2D barcode readings on SKUs, EAN codes or any other informations if needed. The state of the reader can be managed directly from the app. For a best user experience possible, all states of the barcode reader are directly displayed on the app. The barcode feature can be enabled or disabled from your account.
Stock TrenD
Sharing Products Stock Trend
In your account, you have the possibility to activate the Stock Trend Indicator. You have also the possibility to fine-tune the general availability of your product in order represent its life-cycle or its marketing-cycle. This will bring more accurate informations to drive the sales and the delivery options. Different coloured circles status can represent the stock availability trends. On special critical projects Doc Retail Pro can, optionally, represent stock availability and quantities in real time. Items are presented by family and variants.

Straight Forward Orders
Put products in the shopping bag from everywhere
Doc Retail Pro has been designed for the users and built on efficient optimised business processes. Thanks to its architecture, Doc Retail Pro is an extremely powerful, simple and versatile solution to get orders. Any quantities are entered or updated using a mini keypad for an errorless and quick type in. Anytime you can see the available quantities ordered. You can jump to the shopping bag to display all the ordered items or just activate the “Search -> Shopping Bag” features to display any ordered items in the same view.
Detail View with variants
Deal with all the variants and detail informations
The detail view displays all the variants of a product, all the products belonging to a same family. This view displays also all the technical informations of your product and, optionally, all the informations related to the spare parts of your product. From there, you can also see all the variants which are already ordered. You can also order or swap products product directly. No need to come back on any other screens to get or update those informations. Just go ahead, step by step, for an optimal conversion rate.

Sales conversion rate
review order and Close the order process
Doc Retail Pro enables you to review orders without losing the track of your activity. You do not need to go backward if you want change variants and/or quantities; just go straight forward to close an order, do not loose the momentum, it is a determinant key for your success. Thanks to its modular and plugin oriented architecture, Doc Retail Pro allows you to send your orders to any Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions.
Embraces the world
Enables support for multi-markets, multi-currencies and multi-users. You can define as many territories (Markets & Currencies) as needed and assign one or, as many markets you want to your users.
You can even make product available, or not, on some selected Territories.
Worldwide business made simple.
A multi-territory vision
Each user have their own markets, currencies, customers and options.
You can define specific marketing segmentations for any of your sales representatives.
Segment also your users into business targets such as distributors or ambassadors (physical retails or sale representatives).
Split the world, countries, counties, states, or even abstracts segments into markets, as much as needed. There is not limit except the device memory. Assign one or many markets to your users and keep them focused on their missions.
Segment your products and assign them to markets to cover all the possibilities needed for your business.
No limit to have any supported currencies of the world to fulfil any business use case.
If necessary, we can also have real time currency conversion from one currency to another.
Empowers Your Brand
Your brand is the most valuable asset.
Doc Retail Pro provides you all the facilities to emphaze your Brand.
Brochures, videos, images and special sections to tell stories about your brand, company, products, values and spirit; fast, easy to keep you focused.

Express your values
Tell your story to emphase your band
Doc Retail Pro offers you unlimited ways to tell stories about your company; your spirit, your mission and your values. It brings you a valuable place to emphase your brand, help your users to focus on the essential and to miss nothing when presenting your company and products. Made for critical missions in the field, those valuable digital assets are accessible easily at the right time when needed.
Dynamic pages, quick view
Unlimited way to present your brand, just the imagination
Doc Retail Pro uses dynamic page representation to present the richest content possible in order to emphase your brand using a step by step guided marketing approach. No limit there . . . Except the imagination.
A quick view presentation mode allows you to jump on any content to focus on essential topics and meet customer’s expectation.

Videos, brochures, images
A same place to store all your brochures, videos and images
Have your most valuable assets like brochures and videos accessible in the same place to share emotions. Accessible anywhere, your assets will help you to focus very tightly on your story. The brochures, videos and images are stored in Doc Retail Pro Multimedia Library. You can also store technical informations and specifications, send them easily to your customers if needed without leaving your presentation or the application.
Multimedia Library
Your precious digital assets available at a finger tips
Access auxiliary unlimited and valuable digital assets from the same location and just share them immediately with your customers. Do not miss any opportunity to make the best impression to your customer. Doc Retail, the light version of Doc Retail Pro gives you the possibility to have your own branded app on the Apple App Store.